Wayfarer meaning

Define wayfarer : a traveler especially on foot — wayfarer in a sentence. English dictionary definition of wayfarer. One who travels, especially on foot. Wayfarer definition , a traveler, especially on foot.

Definition of wayfarer – a person who travels on foot. A wayfarer is a traveler, especially one who travels on foot.

You might run into a wayfarer on a hiking trail, midway on his journey from Georgia to Maine. What is wayfarer (noun)? Other arts, entertainment, and media. Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, and Billy Joel.

Slick Willy October 2 . Video shows what wayfarer means. A traveller, especially one on foot. A type of glasses, with pointed ends and. Meaning : A pedestrian who walks from place to place.

Classified under: Nouns denoting people. Synonyms for wayfarer at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for wayfarer. Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.

It indicates the door that passengers, i. Those people who are not a traveller on an airplane should not use the door indicated for wayfarers , but use one of the other doors. People seeing off or waiting for someone use either the door indicated for arrivals or departures. The wayfarer , Perceiving the pathway to truth, Was struck with astonishment. It was thickly grown with weeds. Ha, he sai I see that none has passed . Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word wayfarer in our free online dictionary!

Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us. Zen master Dogen referred to his beginning pupils, monks on the path, as leavers of home. Entitled Moon boy (self-portrait as a young man), the figure was . Do you want something better? Origin and meaning of wayfarer : mid-15c. Earlier was wayferer (late 14c.).

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