Workability: Some species may contain silica that will dull cutters. Although it has a fairly high amount of natural oils present, gluing is usually problem-free. See the article on gluing oily tropical hardwoods for more information. Door de hoge duurzaamheid (klasse I) kan dit onbehandeld worden toegepast. Naast gevelbekleding is het ook uitermate geschikt voor diverse profileringen en aftimmerhout.
Ironwoo especially, has been claimed by a variety of woods that are extremely har heavy and strong.
Het is fijnbezaagd en ideaal voor bijvoorbeeld een vlonder of houten constructie. Louro Preto is in een uitgebreid . Diverse lengtes beschikbaar. Its color typically falls between Ziricote and Bocote and is related to both species.
It has a nice slightly spicy fragrance when worked. The majority of the sapwood has been naturally isolated and there are mineral streaks in the lumber. Some checks, cracks and live edges are present in.
Gorgeous color contrast with nice silky grain on best quartered face. This truly is a beautiful piece of lumber !
There is one square edge and one rough edge. Dry and ready to use, it would make a unique set of end tables or amazing tiny house countertop. Amazing cathedral grain in this lumber. This board does have a end check to the left of numbers that goes through the grain.
This was cut from a dead standing tree that has dried slowly for at least years in Costa Rica ! The wood contains only a small amount of residual moisture. As you know it is very difficult to get dry exotics that are as thick as what we are offering! Color in this veneer ranges from light to dark brown.
It is often used in furniture and cabinetry. Get best price and read about company and get contact details and address. LOURO PRETO botanical name uncertain. Brazil and South America, but most of the pictures here are most likely Cordia spp. Origin: Tropical, Central and South America, especially Guayana, Ecuador and Brasil.
This is why it is not possible to isolate one single species of this wood to be the . Designer: Alessio Bassan. Characteristics: MUSEO cm-high base, P7lacquered interiors. In front is the SEGNO table an on the side, MULTIBOX shelves. Regular shapes and geometric workmanship, precise .