CG Budget Mage by Streets. Mage decks rely on powerful spells combined with early game minions to finish their opponent. We feature a full list of recent and popular Mage Decks. Showing decks with games minimum. OurSecret Tempo Mage guide also contains Mulligan advice, card combos and strategy tips.
Our Elemental Mage guide also contains Mulligan advice, card combos and strategy tips.
Best Mage decks for the Standard ladder. The best Mage decks in the current meta. Liste des meilleurs decks Mage dans Hearthstone.
Pour débutants et experts ! Dive into the Hearthstone meta and find new decks by class, cards or game mode. Learn about their winrates and popularity on the ladder. Discover popular Hearthstone meta decks and deck types.
The deck types are organized into three groups. We end this week by covering Secret Mage , a standard ladder deck that, thanks to the release.
Treat the fam to free month of Red. If you like tempo and secret, this may be the deck for you! Hearthstone Players provides the latest and most popular Hearthstone decks and guides from Legend ranked and pro players. Mana Crystals is the place to create, publish and share your Hearthstone guides . This deck is completely crafted from the cards you unlock at Level for Mage , and requires dust to make!
Personally, I consider Mage to be the strongest Basic class. Its combination of burn spells, unconditional removal, and efficient minions . How to Build a Mage Deck in Hearthstone. You have decided that it is time to sling some frost at your enemies, or perhaps you just like the look of Jaina Proudmoore or Medivh. Either way, you would like to build the best mage deck. Spring naar Common deck types – Tempo Mage is perhaps the most common mage deck type, with a number of variants.
Just starting Hearthstone and too confused to get much further than the tutorial? We are here to help with a collection of the best Hearthstone decks for beginners. These are not the best Hearthstone decks ever, but they are the ones you can buil play, and win with as a you get to grips with these colossally .